Race Relations In Your City, Community?

Race, while as old as civilization, continues to escape a sustained conversation. For some reason, we feel satisfied with completely ignoring the subject, or only addressing it when a blatant and ugly incident makes it unavoidable, and calls into question our own sense of decency.

The mission of USAonRace is to provide an opportunity to share meaningful information that helps improve our understanding and relations across race and ethnicity. Please take a few minutes to add your thoughts to this conversation about race relations in your city, your community. We value your input and will include your observations and recommendations with thousands of others to assess where we are when it comes to race relations in our communities, cities, and America.

Outcome: To compile a report of the findings and provide a copy to you and other decision makers in your city. The goal is to assist you in bringing about meaningful change and progress in improving race relations across our communities.

Please complete all fields.

Where do you live?

Please provide your city and state of residence.

How would you rate race relations in your city and why?

What is the basis of your rating?

Please explain how you determined your rating above.

Has there been any progress in recent years?

Why or why not?

Please explain your belief as to why (or why not) progress has occurred.

What do you perceive as the greatest challenge your city/community faces in making real gains in improving race relations?

What is the greatest challenge facing your community?

Can you identify the top 1-3 areas that , if addressed, would improve race relations?

What areas would help improve race relations in your community?

What stereotypes do you come into contact most often about yourself or others?

Please explain the racial stereotypes you typically encounter.

From your perspective, what are other important questions about race that need to be addressed?

What important questions about race need to be addressed?

At what age do you think it is important to begin to educate our children about race and ethnicity?

If you would like to receive a copy of the report, please include your email address below.

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