The Welcoming Table

A major way to break down racial and cultural barrier is through exploring new foods and sharing a meal. Celebrating the rich and delicious diversity of the world’s foodways and culinary traditions; and include personal reflections, anecdotes, and commentary will be featured. Recipes and eating traditions are included.
July 28th, 2014
Written by Jay Reeves - Associated Press in The Welcoming Table with 0 Comments
Preparing fresh foods as is done in parts of African can be a healthier alternative to fried foods and sweets.
African foods may prove to be a healthier alternative for blacks rather than the traditional fried foods with lots of rich and sweet desserts. Classes are being held all across the United States to promote healthier eating habits by cooking fresh foods based on traditional African cuisine. Such foods are not only good for blacks, but for anyone. Aimed at blacks but open to anyone, the "Taste of...
September 19th, 2013
Written by Francesca Biller in The Welcoming Table with 0 Comments
Sukiyaki ingredients
Sukiyaki, anyone? Sukiyaki is for the hearty and soulful appetite. While millions of Americans happily enjoy sushi today as a favorite mainstay and trendy treat while dining out or in, my hearty appetite still belongs to the warmer dishes my Japanese-Hawaiian mother lovingly cooked for our family of six in our well seasoned and multicultural home. Sukiyaki was our favorite traditional Japanese...
September 14th, 2013
Written by Rita Cook in The Welcoming Table with 0 Comments
If you have never visited Peru, you might not know the pleasure of a good Peruvian meal. In fact, Peruvian cuisine really is one of the best kept secrets around. While there are a number of restaurants scattered around the United States that offer this cuisine, making Peruvian favorites at home can be quite simple. Peruvian food is heavily influenced by the diverse cultures that play parts in the...
September 3rd, 2013
Written by Rita Cook in The Welcoming Table with 0 Comments
sauce gribiche
A favorite French dish – especially to former French president Jacques Chirac – sauce gribiche is a traditional delicacy dating back to the late 1700s. Often served with calf's head, it was first served in remembrance of the decapitation of another French head of state: King Louis XVI after the French revolution of 1789. With roots in the Normandy region of France, the word "gribiche" originally...
August 19th, 2013
Written by Lisa Waterman Gray in The Welcoming Table with 0 Comments
a variety of curry dishes
Seasoning blends christened as "curry" include many varieties, which reflect distinct ethnic culinary regions and individual cooks from a wide range of culturally diverse areas across the globe. However, curry is about more than a pre-made or freshly ground powder with multiple ingredients. The word actually is a derivative of an Indian word, kari, meaning sauce, which originally referred to hot...


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