Imagine Sarah Palin Using Her Media Clout To Improve Race Relations

June 14, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis... in
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Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, drives home her point.

Sarah Palin is not one to shirk from an opportunity to improve America. She has stepped to a podium to champion her thoughts on what America needs time and time again. And her ability to draw a crowd and the media continues.

Why not include among her topics to champion: How can we as Americans improve race relations? What a coup and opportunity that would be to improve the political platform of both her parties, the Republican and Tea Party, alike.

The Washington Post recently reported that among the twenty-plus thousand pages of email exchanges when Palin was governor of Alaska was one from a staffer pointing out how Palin, as governor, was “uniquely placed to speak on racial issues.”

Apparently, the staffer was responding to Palin becoming irate when a radio host — that is “main stream media” — made a racist joke about Native Alaskan women. Palin took offense because her daughters are part Native Alaskan through her husband, Todd’s, lineage.

This email exchange apparently occurred during the last Presidential election because the staffer thought the Obama candidacy would trigger a national dialogue on race, including the native community in Alaska.

What a missed opportunity. Palin can begin the dialogue at home and spread it abroad — across America, that is.

It is not too late.

Can you imagine Sarah Palin urging Americans to have an open and honest dialogue about race relations to clear the air?

It certainly could go a long way to dispel the notion about Republicans and the Tea Party movement having strong racist elements within their midst.

What do you think?



Sarah Palin and Race

Submitted by UCCS-2F11-12 on

I think this is a brilliant idea. I think Sarah Palin comes across as having no fear when she takes up a specific topic, and I believe that the topic of race almost requires you to have to fear if you are to speak about it at such a high level. I think if Palin brought up this topic she may no longer be seen as just an opportunist. She could really gain back some credit with the American people by taking up such a difficult topic.