The Holiday Celebrations Are About Giving, Not Receiving

December 22, 2011
Written by Rita Rizzo in
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Giving a gift, whether a real package or simply your time and love, means more. Photo Credit:

Think back to the holiday seasons of your childhood. Now focus in on your very favorite holiday memory. Are you thinking about that shiny new bike brought by an invisible man in a red suit, or the look on your mother’s face when she opened those fuzzy slippers that you carefully selected and paid for with money saved from your allowance? It seems that the warmest memories of holidays past have little to do with how much loot we accumulated, but with the delight associated with surprising others with the perfect gift.

In Acts 20:35 Paul told people “to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Yes, we all agree, it is more blessed to give, but why is this so? Giving expresses the best intentions and actions of humanity. It initially appears as a selfless act, but it isn’t at all. Giving benefits everyone while receiving predominately affects the receiver. Giving allows one a sense of accomplishment, a spirit of charity and a self image of being a good and generous person. It helps us like ourselves.

Giving is an expression of love, kindness, and camaraderie. Bringing joy to others is a shared experience. It results in one of those rare moments when another’s emotions become part of our own emotional state. The connection is complete, and for a brief time we are one with the other person, feeling exactly how that person feels. Giving brings about an intimacy that eludes us in the common acts of daily living.

This holiday season, tune in and listen to what brings about the squeals of pleasure at your holiday gatherings. You are likely to find that the merriest sounds of the season are emitted by those who believe they have nailed it with the gift that is exactly right. Even if your budget is tight in this protracted recession you can be a giver of magnanimous proportions this holiday season. Give of your time, your energy, your assistance, your attention, your forgiveness, and your strength. These gifts truly exemplify the significance of the holiday and will be remembered fondly for many years to come.


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