Daniel the Prophet: Lessons For The Future

March 14, 2013
Written by James Patrick A... in
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On March 13, 2013, the new Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, 76-year-old Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina waves to the crowd in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Photo Credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Daniel the Prophet has lessons for the future as contemporary society confronts obstacles and challenges as it sorts out the role of religion and the Church.

In light of the election of Pope Francis, it is not only a time to reflect on Francis of Assisi after whom it is said he patterned his life, but it is also a good time to reflect on the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible. Daniel the Prophet has lessons for the future during these challenging times for the Church.

There are a lot of parallels to be gleaned from what Daniel the Prophet faced in his time, and what the Church as a whole and the new Pope now face as we enter a new frontier – a frontier that encompasses old patriarchal methodologies ever at odds with the ground swell of new beliefs and ideas from the laity.

We as the religious community, whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, or other religions, as the beacon of light that was called to be THAT city on a hill, separated from the world, face increasing challenges as we head toward a future that will test the resolve of people of Faith. These resolves continue to beg for understanding and direction as society faces issues about when life begins, and the sanctity of marriage.

altDaniel the Prophet held court with powerful political figures of his day (much as the Papacy does in rendering positions on social and moral issues today). Back then, Kings and their courts relied heavily on Daniel the Prophet’s godly grounding and integrity to help them with questions that their own advisers were unable to dispel.

Through Daniel the Prophet’s faith, he was carried places that he could have never hoped to see on his own. God showed favor to Daniel because he kept God's precepts. What parallels these are to the life of Pope Francis!

There is one major observation that we as the faith-based community can take away from this: If we are ever to connect to those who are unconnected, the disenfranchised, the hopeless... we must FIRST be CONNECTED to the Eternal Wellspring. The practices and teaching of Jesus Christ. This is our FOUNDATION.

Will Pope Francis help us all to make that connection? As the first Jesuit Pope, will he help Catholics and non-Catholics, the rich and the poor, the high and the lowly make the connection he seems to have made with the life he has personally lived — as a humble servant?

Daniel the Prophet’s humility kept him from being tempted or corrupted. He prayed three times a day. Even though, during the captivity of the Jews he was thinking about the service to the people... not himself.

altIf we are to be captive to the God of our belief, then we must keep in mind that service must be at the forefront of our Walk, not just our Talk.

Every day we face any number of “lion's dens” along this journey, but just as the lions that Daniel the Prophet faced lay down before him, we too through patience, faith, and humility can prevail. If you BELIEVE... then you shall receive.

Pope Francis may identify with Francis of Assisi, but his resemblance to Daniel the Prophet cannot go unnoticed.



The great Prophet Daniel, Pope Francis, and Francis of Assisi

Submitted by JEllis on

What an interesting analogy of the Prophet Daniel and Francis of Assisi with our newly elected Pope Francis. There are many lessons from both of these stalwarts in the history of religion that no doubt Pope Francis, through his past and future work, can impart to all the world.

Great artilce!