Cause and Civility: Minority Group & Racial Discrimination

Janice Ellis, the founder and publisher of USAonRace has written a column for radio, newspaper, and now online for more than thirty years. Ellis believes in the power of words to address problems and issues facing contemporary society. Her goal, through these commentaries, is to inform, provide perspective, and motivate thought and action. Ellis welcomes your comments.
September 22nd, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility with 3 Comments
Hardly a day goes by without some report of a racially-motivated incident. They often cut across age and socio-economic class. They are not confined to urban ghettos, but often include suburban neighborhoods, hamlets, soccer fields and country clubs.These occurrences rarely make the evening news or the front pages of newspapers. But they beg for our attention nonetheless.Just this week alone, we...
August 3rd, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility with 0 Comments
Whether the crisis we just witnessed was real or manufactured, what should be abundantly clear to us as concerned citizens, and empowered voters, is that we have elected members of Congress who are either unwilling or incapable — or both — of doing the right thing for the right reasons.Governing is about making decisions that result in the greatest good for the greatest number. Instead, Congress...
July 27th, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility with 0 Comments
Racism and reverse racism is an emotionally charged phenomenon irrespective of what side of the skin color spectrum you find yourself. However, to have an accurate reading of and response to situations in which you find yourself requires a fact-based understanding.The recent study, “Whites See Racism As A Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing,” provides sound evidence of the danger of reacting...
July 8th, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility with 0 Comments
Racism, like global warming, is pervasive and destructive. Its negative impact is preventable, but only if we care enough to put forth a concerted and sustained effort to do something about it.Many of us would like to believe that race and interracial issues are no longer a major problem in this county. But if we honestly looked around us, we would witness incidents almost on a daily basis that...
June 10th, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility with 4 Comments
While some components of the new Immigration Law passed by the State of Alabama, if enacted, have troubling consequences, could it be the blueprint for the federal legislation that the President and Congress should pass?No matter which side of the immigration issue you find yourself, the solution will have losses and benefits for all involved. This is not a case of the good guys vs. the bad guys...


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