Stereotypes and Labels: Racial Discrimination Articles - Racism Against Blacks, Asians & More

Research findings, reporting incidents, personal reflections, anecdotes, and commentary that illustrate the pervasive beliefs, the use and harmful effects of labels, stereotypes, slurs, and derogatory slang in contemporary society.
February 23rd, 2010
Written by Taelonnda E. Sewell in Stereotypes & Labels with 3 Comments
 Sometimes talking to co-workers can be a welcome break for the tough grind of the workday. Discussing what happened on last night’s popular television show, or joking about a funny incident that happened to a co-worker can build better working relationships or company pride.However, the discussions are not always positive or humorous. What happens when a co-worker says something offensive like...
January 22nd, 2010
Written by Reniqua Allen in Stereotypes & Labels with 0 Comments
These days, the term gentrifier is like a dirty word.Mention that you are a gentrifier, and many may think of a yuppie type person that drinks Frappacino’s, has tons of money, belittles “locals,” and infiltrates communities.He says higher income minorities, like African-Americans, can also be gentrifiers, but often escape the label.“Race is more visible than class in the United States,” Freeman...
January 5th, 2010
Written by Janet Connor in Stereotypes & Labels with 0 Comments
Sometimes there is a defining moment and we know that every tomorrow will be different from yesterday, different from today. When those moments affect our belief systems, we owe it to ourselves to sit up and take notice.Several years ago, I experienced one such defining moment that caused me to see race as an extraneous detail.Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying race is unimportant. I am...
December 21st, 2009
Written by Vivian J. Malauulu in Stereotypes & Labels with 0 Comments
a list of ethnicities on paper with a pencil
It was not easy growing up half Honduran and half Arab in an all black suburb of Los Angeles in the 1980s and 1990s, especially when "Williams" was my last name. Physically, I look more Latina than anything else, though on occasion I can appear Middle Eastern. Growing up, I was often chastised by the discrepancy between my last name (from my stepfather) and my appearance. To this day, my current...
December 4th, 2009
Written by Holly Beretto in Stereotypes & Labels with 0 Comments
When most people think of the Aloha spirit, they think of sandy beaches and umbrella drinks. Clifford Nae’ole, however, knows it’s much more than that. Its ancient echoes carry along the waves; its drums beat the ethnic history of a people. Nae’ole is charged with delivering this message. He’s the cultural affairs advisor for the Ritz Carlton Kapalua, a resort located in West Maui. As part of his...


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