Publisher's Note

Publisher offers an analytical perspective on current or historical issues and event about race and race relations in the United States
July 1st, 2010
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Publisher's Note with 0 Comments
illustration of U.S. flag shaped as an exploding firework
Beyond the fireworks, picnics, and parades that are blanketing the landscape this Fourth of July weekend, we might do well to revisit the principles and privileges outlined in the Declaration of Independence and examine their fullest meaning in our daily lives. Not to do so is to fail to take advantage of the opportunities that come with being an American. As hokey as it might sound to some, it...
June 14th, 2010
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Publisher's Note with 0 Comments
Janice S. Ellis in her office
Our perceptions, beliefs, and the resulting actions not only have serious consequences during our lifetime, but also on generations long after we have gone. Two seemingly unrelated studies, released during the last month, report findings and results that are both chilling and dismaying. The focus of one was about the current state of white and African-American adults. The focus of the other was...
May 25th, 2010
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Publisher's Note with 0 Comments
Janice S. Ellis in her office
We have become a culture that overlooks one of our most valuable, and available, resources – our senior citizens. The month of May is now designated as “Older Americans Month.” Events are planned to celebrate aging by sharing information on how to optimize health and lead active, more productive lives. I have always had mixed feeling about the need to designate a month for this or that. It...
April 23rd, 2010
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Publisher's Note with 0 Comments
Janice S. Ellis
The upcoming elections in November, unlike many others, should not be treated as your ordinary, off-year, marginally obligatory, civic affair. The outcomes of too many important issues are riding on who we choose to represent us. We can ill afford to be disinterested and disengaged. The healthcare reform issue has shown us that. But there are critical issues beyond healthcare reform. On the...
March 19th, 2010
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Publisher's Note with 0 Comments
Janice S. Ellis
An old biblical proverb states: “A house divided against itself shall not stand.” It is a proverb well worth heeding. Many divides plague America and are in need of attention, but racial discrimination is one of the most pernicious. Our cover story in this issue is just an example of how urban areas have very definitive geographical divides that breed and perpetuate racial, educational and...


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